How We Operate


It can be unsettling when a child first experiences being left in a new environment with different carers and other children, so with this in mind we try to make the transition from home to nursery as smooth as possible. We like you to bring your child for the initial tour around the nursery as this is a good opportunity for them to explore the Cygnets environment, comfortable in the knowledge that you are with them. On all sites we offer induction/toddler sessions, which provide a chance for your child to get to know us prior to starting nursery. At Cygnets we treat each child as an individual so when they are ready to start nursery, after consultation with you we ensure your child’s induction specifically meets their needs.

Ofsted said about Broad Street: “Children display a great sense of belonging, and even those who recently joined the setting have settled in incredibly well”

Ofsted said about Alveston: Staff “show nurturing attitudes towards children, particularly when they become upset. Consequently, older children are highly considerate to the needs of their peers.”

Our staff

Our most valuable resource is our staff and they are carefully selected to share our philosophy that the wellbeing and happiness of children is paramount. The number of staff we employ exceeds Ofsted requirements and they are all DBS and reference checked. Our staff are qualified, experienced, caring and well supported, within an innovative environment. They are proud of their important jobs and happy to answer your questions whilst the key worker will keep you fully informed of your child’s progress. Although we hold regular open events specifically for this purpose we encourage parents to make appointments if they want to discuss their child’s progress between these events.

Ofsted said about Broad Street: “Managers recognise their staff as the most significant asset in delivering excellent education to children and acting as outstanding role models in implementing three values: kindness, sharing and helping.”

Ofsted said about Alveston: Staff create a positive learning atmosphere for children as they play. This contributes to the progress children make in their learning.”

Caring supportive environment

We work in partnership with parents to provide a happy and secure environment for all our children to learn, play and develop whether they attend every day or just for a few hours. We value and support children’s natural curiosity, inquisitiveness, experimentation, and harness this to ensure they reach their full potential.

Ofsted said about Broad Street: “Children arrive at the setting incredibly happy, confident and independent. From the start, they display impeccable manners and excellent learning attitudes.”

Ofsted said about Alveston: “Staff are consistent in their approach to managing children’s behaviour. Children listen carefully to the adults. They behave well.”

Balanced activities

At Cygnets we provide the children with a well resourced environment with access to both inside and outside areas regardless of the weather. Children are encouraged to make individual choices from carefully planned and resourced learning experiences which offer all areas of the curriculum. There is a balance of activities, which are designed to provide each individual child with opportunities for learning in all developmental areas. Your child will experience free flow time, outings within the local community and more structured small group activities. Healthy drinks and snacks are available throughout the session and we make the most of any opportunity to discuss healthy eating, cultural & seasonal foods and practice good manners.

Ofsted said about Broad Street: “Staff excel in providing rich and stimulating experiences for children that spark their interests and bring up their talents beyond what they experience at home.”

Ofsted said about Alveston: Staff support children to learn how they can live healthy lifestyles. They provide lots of opportunities for children to get physical outdoors. Staff act as role models to the children as they eat healthy meals around them. Children themselves are provided with a range of balanced meals during snack and lunchtime. “

Early Learning Goals

Every child engages in a wide range of activities that cover all areas of learning. It is important to remember that all children are individuals and will progress through the stepping stones towards the Early Learning Goals at different rates. At Cygnets the children are designated key-workers who will have special responsibility for them and will plan activities and experiences based on each child’s current needs. The work plans are displayed so you can have an understanding of the work/play sessions and how we deliver the National Curriculum. A list of the children and their associated key workers is displayed in the nursery.

Ofsted said about Broad Street: “The curriculum is structured and sequenced exceptionally well, ensuring there are no gaps in children’s learning and development. Staff plan their teaching according to children’s interests and developmental stages, emphasising exciting narratives and providing challenging tasks for children.”

Ofsted said about Alveston: “Leaders are passionate about ensuring children leave their setting with the skills they need to be ready for the next stage of their learning. Staff use topics to plan a range of activities that cover all areas of learning.”

Partnership with parents

Cygnets operate as a Trust and in joining Cygnets you become a part of the Trust, a partnership with parents/carers where every member is valued. We listen and respond to you, share and discuss your child’s progress, experiences and any difficulties that may arise. We keep you informed by newsletter, notice board, information leaflets and by talking with you. We invite you to share in some of our activities and trips and our door is always open to you. We welcome parents/carers who want to be more involved either just to help or who want to become Trustees. We have a Parent/Carer Involvement Policy and a Parents and Carers Formal Complaints Procedure, which we review and update regularly. It’s lovely to receive compliments as well and if they are in writing we can share them with others. We ask you to sign your child’s registration document as an acknowledgement that you have read and understood the details in our prospectus and our terms and conditions.

Ofsted said about Broad Street: Parents “attend regular parent evenings and discuss children’s progress termly. Parents feel that staff are experts who they turn to with any issue they might have.”

Ofsted said about Alveston: “Staff gain children’s starting points from parents… Staff inform parents of how they can continue to support their child’s learning at home. Parents speak highly about the setting. They comment they can see the progress their child is making in their learning.”