Alveston Cygnets Fees

April 2024

Initial registration fee £60.00 non-refundable. Funded only places are not charged a registration fee. We reserve the right to charge £60 per family for Out of School Club places not used during the summer holidays, refundable in September. There is no guarantee of a place if this is not paid.

Fees are annualised over 12 months for all year round and 11 months for term time only bookings. All fees are payable monthly in advance on the due date. We accept payment with vouchers or Tax-Free Childcare, but these must be paid on the due date otherwise direct payment must be made. Any vouchers or Tax-Free payments made after the due date will not be refunded but credited to the next month’s fees.

For those in receipt of 15 free funded hours per week of Nursery Education & 2 Year Funding we offer 5 hour sessions 8am – 1pm & 1pm – 6pm. We also offer a limited number of 3 hour sessions between the hours of 9am-12.00 and 12.00 -3.00pm for 38 weeks per year (term time), unless a stretch option is agreed (please see guidance), additional hours, if available, are charged as per our fee table, any questions please ask in the office.

For those in receipt of the full 30 funded hours per week places are limited to sessions between 8am –1.00 and 1.00- 6pm.

A voluntary hourly charge, towards the cost of consumables, is applicable for funded children, over 3; to make these sessions sustainable. If parents are unable or unwilling to pay the voluntary consumables charge then raise this with the site manager, before sessions are taken. Items of clothing, bags, contributions for special activities or events and meals are charged separately.
For Children not attending all day:
NB: A packed lunch option is available on request for funded only sessions.

Breakfast Lunch (a cooked meal) Tea or All Meals
£0.90 £3.85 £1.75


Session  Under 3  Over 3 Rates for additional hours (funded place)
Under 3
Rates for additional hours (funded place)
Over 3
Weekly (inc. meals and snacks)
8am – 6pm x 5 days
£308.55 Weekly discounted by 15% £275.40 Weekly discounted by 15%

(inc. meals and snacks)

8am – 6pm

£65.34 Daily discounted by 10% £58.32 Daily discounted by 10% £65.34 £58.32
Per Hour £7.26 £6.48 £7.26 £6.48

3 Hour Session
(inc. snacks)
9am – 12pm
12pm – 3pm

£19.60 Sessionally discounted by 10% £17.50 Sessionally discounted by 10% £19.60 £17.50

5 Hour Session
(inc snacks)
8am – 1pm (inc lunch)
1pm – 6pm








Out Of School Club

Session Time Rate Rate + Meals
Breakfast Club 8am – 9am £6.00 £6.40
After School
3:15pm – 6pm £15.13 £16.88

OOSC Holiday

Short day
9am – 3pm
£33.00 + meals £36.85
Long day Between
8am – 6pm
£36.00 + meals £61.50

*Shorter holiday club sessions can be booked using the nursery over 3 rates.

Late collection of children:
Late pick up outside booked hours, penalty £10.00 for every ¼ hour entered into. If lateness persists your booking may be changed.

Late payment of bills:
Fees not paid by the due date will incur a surcharge, including those paid using vouchers and Tax-Free childcare, see Terms and Conditions. £25.00 is charged for a rejected payment and then as for other late payments if not cleared within a day. N.B. for all payments we do not accept cheques under £10.00 and please try to give the right change for cash payments. Internet payments made directly must be notified to us by email.

If you would like any further information or to make/change bookings, please ask in the office or call us on 01789 204181. Please read this in conjunction with our terms and conditions and parent information. We reserve the right to review and amend our fees with a months’ notice.


Cygnets Education & Childcare Trust

Terms and Conditions

Fees must be paid for all booked time as our costs remain the same even when your child is absent because of illness, precautionary self isolation or for any other reason. Parents/Carers are obliged to inform us if their child is ill or has a condition outlined in our Health and Welfare policies. We reserve the right not to admit children we consider unfit to attend. In signing our Registration/Parent Contract form you become bound to pay any fees as billed.

SESSIONS: We note your preference for particular sessions and we try to accommodate them wherever possible. No sessions can be booked or a place allocated on the waiting list without the return of all forms with adequate registration fees. If you are on the waiting list, you may have to wait for confirmation of sessions until they become available from the start date you have requested. Please inform us at the earliest opportunity if you want to change your start date or sessions. For those with deferred entry we can only offer sessions we have available at the new start date.

MINIMUM ATTENDANCE: The minimum is two sessions of 3 hours per week in the nursery, term time Out of School Club is only bookable in sessions. Children in receipt of funding should attend for 2 – 5 entitled sessions with extra non-funded times as required.

CLOSURE: In bad weather, by using local staff, we are generally able to remain open so no refunds are given. If in exceptional circumstances, for safety reasons, including infection control our premises are closed for up to a week fees are still payable but may be adjusted in a following month. We have to pay staff wages, which are the majority of our costs, rent and rates, regardless of whether we are open. For more prolonged closures no charge will be made.

PAYMENT PERIOD: For all year round bookings we charge for 50 weeks per year and for term time only we follow the Warwickshire County Council school term dates including inset day closures and charge for 39 weeks. Please note there are no deductions for bank holidays or inset day closures. Fees are annualised over 12 months for all year round and 11 months for term time only. All fees are payable monthly in advance and must be paid within 7 days of the invoice date. Accounts not cleared by the due date will have a surcharge added as follows:

  • Up to one week late – 2.5% of outstanding amount
  • Up to two weeks late – 5% of outstanding amount
  • Over two weeks late – 10% of outstanding amount

Charges will be billed separately or added to the following month’s invoice. If payment is still overdue after 7 days we reserve the right to suspend your place. Please note that if your place is suspended you may forfeit your booked sessions to those on our waiting list.

LATE COLLECTON or EXTRA TIME/SESSIONS: Please collect children on time otherwise a late pick up charge of £10 will be levied for each ¼ hour period entered into on all sites.

PERIOD OF NOTICE: In the event of the intention to withdraw a child or decrease the number of sessions taken (funded or non funded), a minimum of four weeks notice must be given, both in writing, or payment made in lieu of this notice. We reserve the right to alter our charges with a month’s notice. Signing and completing the Registration form is indication that all conditions and precepts of Cygnets are understood.

OTHER METHODS OF PAYMENT: We will accept childcare vouchers in full or part payment of nursery fees but only by prior arrangement. Payments can also be made by standing order or internet transfer by prior agreement and authorised in writing. All forms of payment must be made by the due date or surcharges will apply. Such forms of payment may be disallowed if the required information and procedure is not followed.

NURSERY FUNDING: Eligibility for Nursery Funding is decided at national and county level and we are not responsible for whether a child receives this funding. If they are included we will make all necessary applications to obtain the funding and parents must supply us with information requested by the due dates. If the funding is not received parents will be invoiced as normal. If funded hours are booked but a child leaves before the headcount date WCC will not pay funding and the parent/guardian is liable to pay for any hours attended.

Entitlement to nursery funding is for 38 weeks of the year or a stretched option.

Funded hours will be clearly shown at zero charge on your bill.

We reserve the right to change our Terms and Conditions with a month’s notice.